#2017: The Man we have is a senior, Fr. Nahimana is a loser.

President Paul Kagame is our role model
Year of 2017, Rwanda is nearing Presidential election to be held in August, this year, till today, Dr Frank Habineza of Democratic Green Party and Philippe Mpayimana (both from opposition) have already declared to compete for election yet Father Thomas Nahimana, who is homeless in Europe, is forging allegations against Kigali government saying that he was blocked from returning home.
The swindler who was chased in catholic church is seeking shelter in politics by grabbing people their money lying them that if he gets a million $ , He can defeat President Paul Kagame who is hailed by United Nations to stop the 1994 Genocide against Tutsis and whose good governance is good example to learn till Africa Union offices.
Recently on voice of America, Fr Thomas Nahimana promised his blind followers to return in Rwanda to do politics; however he was playing his card to seek how to use Ishema Party’ fund for his own without being held accountable.
 Flattering words with no meaning, allegations without facts against democratic-elected government in Rwanda and so on is the begging plate which the founder of www.leprophete.fr uses to get food and money from his blind supporters.
Truly, Thomas Nahimana is neither a politician nor a priest to trust, he is a notorious genocide denier, an FDRL diehard, a swindler who is circulating around the streets seeking someone to grab money and creating false stories about Rwanda.
Fr. Thomas Nahimana is a genocide denial and an FDRL supporter
 President Paul Kagame is a senior
In football, when there is a player who worked well and plays a longtime for his team, that player is un-replaceable; he called a senior and Kagame is like that.
When Rwanda was overlooked by UN, Paul Kagame led the RPF-Inkotanyi to stop the 1994 Genocide, now under his regime, Rwanda is the first country in the world to have more women in parliament, unity and reconciliation is over 90%, unemployment rate is 3.4 % last year while it is 4.9% in Trump’s nation and last year Rwanda’s GDP grew to 5.4% yet it is 0.6 in United Kingdom and Rwanda is the second on world doing business report.
On the other hand, Thomas Nahimana is begging one million USD to win election while President Kagame used only Rwandan values to give justice to thousands of Rwandans through Gacaca court which was free and now, we are sharing ideas in National dialogue to build the country we want.
By concluding, Rwandans in and outside should open eyes to know that Democracy and good governance is free, it doesn’t require millions of dollars, it only needs inclusive politics as Kagame says.

And I call up Fr. Thomas Nahimana to pay back Abataripfana money and then ask for mercy to re-join catholic priesthood because the President we have is everything for Rwandans. 
He stopped the 1994 Genocide against Tutsis

Janvier KARANGWA is a Journalist.
Follow us on twitter: Karangwa Janvier
#2017: The Man we have is a senior, Fr. Nahimana is a loser. #2017: The Man we have is a senior, Fr. Nahimana is a loser. Reviewed by Karangwa Janvier on February 03, 2017 Rating: 5
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