#2017: 1987-2017 RPF-Inkotanyi still stand steel.

February 1st, every year, Rwanda celebrates heroes’ day to thank whoever sacrificed his/her life to liberate Rwanda which was stranded under hate regime for long time since the 1959 so-called revolution.

In 1990s when Rwanda was in the dark, Men and women joined their hands together in Rwanda Patriotic Army (now RDF) to fight the regime of Juvenal Habyarimana which was killing its own people.

From ashes to grace, Rwanda under RPF-Inkotanyi is classified among the fastest growing economy in Africa, easiest place to start business and more than one million Rwandans lifted out of poverty; beyond of that Rwandans are among the happiest people in the world.

After that Inkotanyi stopped the 1994 Genocide against Tutsis, France ghosts and other ambassadors of evil used to predict that RPF’s regime will not lasting longer as they support FDRL rebels, cooking reports to pollute the country’s legacy, creating phantom politicians to try the RPF regime but today, we count 23 years and Rwandans are asking President Paul Kagame to keep them in his hand other many years to come, away from evil eyes.

It is rare to see the country where a low citizen participates in Budget setting, Cabinet affairs, …what doesn’t happen even in world super power countries where democracy said to be a culture since centuries of years in history but only under RPF-Inkotanyi people from far away in rural areas have a strong voice to tell the government till in President office what is better for them yet in United States of America people need representative even to vote for president.

#Only in Rwanda high officers in military and police chased in the army simply because of corruption cases while France decorated its military sexual abuse committed in Central African Republic in MINUSCA.

Rwanda doesn't need millions of dollars to build roads and bridges but only Rwandan values

The small country in the heart of Africa but with visionary leader is now an example to learn around the globe where a citizen has a meaning insight of authorities, the country, said not to have mines under soil, eyes to be the African Singapore where  main tool is home grown solutions 
and till now  tourism revenues increased from $293m in 2013, to $303m in 2014, Government unlocked the country for everyone within a free visa to enter in while Donald Trump has already banned seven countries’ citizens from entering in USA and the Rwanda aims to be independent from foreign  few days to come. And President Kagame himself asked parliamentarians to speed up the law to end foreign grant in Country’s budget.

From 1987 to 2017, hardships were many but today’s Rwanda under RPF-Inkotanyi and its chairman Paul Kagame, actions speak for themselves instead of words without meaning.

We need to keep our country growing that is why every Rwandan who likes security, Democracy and sustainable development should vote President Paul Kagame in 2017presidentila election. 
Rwandan army hailed to be one of best performer and disciplined in the world

Janvier KARANGWA is a university of Rwanda student
Follow us on twitter: KARANGWA Janvier
#2017: 1987-2017 RPF-Inkotanyi still stand steel. #2017: 1987-2017 RPF-Inkotanyi still stand steel. Reviewed by Karangwa Janvier on February 08, 2017 Rating: 5
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