Football specialists say that behind winning team,
there is a tactical coach who knows how to set players in the pitch even if a
successful coach also needs good players who target a victory without caring
about noisy rivals in the stadium.
Sportsmen wonder how Real Madrid became the king of
soccer in the whole world when it won an eleventh champions league while from
Europe to India via America; politicians were surprised with the small country
achievements in the heart of Africa after a short period of time since the time
it was ignored when million Tutsis were being slaughtered in 1994.
Insight of
haters, President Paul Kagame changed Rwanda into a brilliant country where millions
of Rwandans lifted out of poverty, they access free education, capital city of Kigali
which was forest under so-called revolution leadership is now the cleanest city
in Africa and it is ranked among the greenest city around the world and now
life expectancy for Rwandan rose higher than an American.
When ambassadors of evil were cooking reports, he
was busy repairing bridges and Roads, uniting and reconciling Rwandan society,
setting gender equality agenda and how Rwanda will be look like in 2020 and now
from zero to hero Rwanda is the fastest growing economy in Africa.
On the other
hand, FDRL with his alliances were forging stories saying that our people’s president
is dictator but genius people have already realized that one man can’t dictate
Mutuelle de santé, health centers, roads, bye bye Nyakatsi, the underway construction
of Bugesera international airport and the development that we attained to be.
one changes a winning team
When the hardworking of Kagame was nearing to bear
fruits in 2020, Rwandans went down in streets in 2015 to ask their lovely
president not to go anywhere because they all still need him after fourteen
years of struggle while Thomas Nahimana with other servants of devil were clapping
but now they look like a failed army and they chose to found the phantom
government aims to chop money of their blind followers without being held accountable.
Under the heavy rain and cold weather in hard time aftermath
of 1994 Genocide against Tutsis, President Paul Kagame struggled along side of
us to protect our frontiers and make the Rwanda we want while Genocide
perpetrators were eating bread and butter sitting in hot sofa seats in Europe
and elsewhere but today they are good playwrights in comedies about being President
of Rwanda.
President Paul Kagame, Rwanda eyes to be a middle income country, we tackled malnutrition,
we have a full security, over ninety percent of Rwandans trust in authorities
and millions of Rwandans showed that they love Kagame and we wish him to lead
us other many years to come. #only in
Rwanda, residents go down in streets asking their President to continue leading
By concluding, Rwandans are good players who need a
good coach to keep scoring not like the one who led them to the 1994 genocide. The
one and only coach that Rwandans need is Paul Kagame as their President to
attain their objectives.
KARANGWA is a Journalist and a university of Rwanda student.
Rwanda FC, when President Paul Kagame is a coach.
Reviewed by Karangwa Janvier
February 22, 2017