Democrats against Democracy? Or a new Africa borns in USA?

Anti-Trump victory demonstrators 

November, 09,2016 the entire world was busy watching what was going on in The United States of America between two historical white house contenders. Finally Donald Trump, a Republican,  won the presidential seat with 48.2% votes and Secretary Hillary Clinton, a Democrats, lost with 47.2% votes.

The following day of November, 10th, Anti-Trump movement flowed in the streets of Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston,..  shouting ‘’NO TRUMP’’, ‘’NO KKK’’, ‘’NO RACIST’’, ‘’NOT MY PRESIDENT’’.

Undoubtedly, demonstrators supported Hillary; the demonstrations mean they failed to accept the results of election, the habit known in Africa and what I can call a shame to Hillary diehards.

Did African Ghosts invade USA?

It is known all over the World through history that to transfer power peacefully in Africa is a miracle and Americans like to remind African leaders to step down when they terms end and this became a morning and evening lesson for Africans.

They demand Africans to accept the results when they fail election and transfer power peacefully what  they prefer as  ‘’a real Democracy’’ the loot name of the party name of Hillary  ‘’DEMOCRATIC PARTY’’. 

So questions are: Do Americans sometimes behave like Africans or demonstrators are Africans who were sent by Robert Mugabe, Joseph Kabila or Museveni  to USA to pollute American reputation? Do Democrats change the name to MDC of Besigye in Uganda,  UDPS  of Etienne Tskikesedi in Democratic Republic of Congo or Hillary has changed the party?

Some anti-Trump victory say they are fearing for  Donald’s agenda of chasing Africans living in USA without papers, prevent Muslims from entering in USA and some of them accusing him to be a racist what I think it is different from American political maturity and a shame to whoever is in the street because Trump didn't fraud election, He beat Hillary in daylight hours,  everyone was watching.

Equitable Democracy is characterized by free and fair election as Westerns say like what happened yesterday in America. Hillary supporters must accept and It'd better not to fall in the trap of  hate articles which were written about Trump by the time of campaigns, biased opinion polls which published by world media and unholy dreams of Wole Soyinka, and Pastor Joshua, all Nigerians.

Americans, please forget those things happened before, that was story of campaigns, Trump won election and he swore to be a all Americans President; he is ready to take the office in January nothing is going to prevent him from enter the white house next year as 45th USA President.

Don’t pollute your political reputation and don’t become like Laurent Bagbo of Ivory cost; stay calm.
‘’Long live America, long live Donald Trump.’’  ‘’America is great again’’

KARANGWA Janvier is a University of Rwanda student, a Blogger, and a Journalist.

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Democrats against Democracy? Or a new Africa borns in USA? Democrats against Democracy? Or a new Africa borns in USA? Reviewed by Karangwa Janvier on November 10, 2016 Rating: 5
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