Barack Obama, a failed teacher in Africa.

Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda, Barack Obama of USA and Peter Nkurunziza of Burundi
Presidents of super power countries, especially United States of America and European Countries like to be heard many times in their speeches criticizing African heads of state about their habit of clinging on power.
And beyond of that some of them (African leaders) choose to live their all life in presidential seat and even inherit it to their children as it happened in Republic of Togo and Gabo in West Africa.
Everywhere In the meeting with African leaders, they like to tell them ‘’transfer power peacefully [as Jonathan did in Nigeria], this is a complete democracy.’’
Since Mr. Barack Obama took power in January, 20th, 2009, He always emphasized that peacefully transfer of power in Africa should be adopted and he dared to speak it out before eyes of African Presidents.
Recently in Addis Ababa, capital city of Ethiopia where African Union headquarters locates, he condemned African presidents about their habit of depriving people from using their rights (Democracy).
 ‘’ The key aspects of real democracy include free and fair elections, freedom of speech and the press, and freedom of assembly. “These rights,” said President Obama, “are universal. They’re written into African constitutions.”
‘’The bottom line is that when citizens cannot exercise their rights’’, said President Obama, ‘’the world has a responsibility to speak out; and America will, even when it’s sometimes directed at its friends.’’
Another critical component of democracy is abiding by constitutional term limits. “When a leader tries to change the rules in the middle of the game just to stay in office,” said President Obama, “it risks instability and strife, as we have seen in Burundi.’’
” Nelson Mandela and George Washington forged lasting legacies not only because of what they did in office, but also because they were willing to leave office and transfer power peacefully.’’ said President Obama.
Eight years is going to an end Obama to hand a presidential seat to a winner between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton who are contesting for the White house.
He is nearly leaving the white house while President Sasou Nguesso of Republic of Congo, Yoweli Museveni of Uganda, Paul Biya of Cameroun, Bouteflika of Algeria, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Omar Bashir of Sudan,Teodoro Obiang Nguema of Equatorial Guinea, … still enjoying the throne which they took since decades and decades, Briefly they didn’t understand the course of democracy as they taught it.
On the other hand, President Nkurunziza of Burundi is enjoying a controversial term in office and Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, is allowed to run another 17 years in office.
As USA President as well as presidents of European countries like to remind African presidents that they should step down when their term ends  as westerns do, Right now, Obama aligned on the same line with others  great leaders of super power countries who came and  preach the democracy but they went without making changes.  

When did he fail first?

Wars in Syria and Ukrain made the diplomatic relations between Russia and USA growing worse than before after the cold war, what became like a free golden gift to African presidents fell from heaven. 

Many years before, when a African country president attempted to kidnap rights of people; super power countries speak out in one voice to ask the him to step down by cutting aids and set sanctions in different sectors or to support the opposition activists as it happened in Ivory Cost to overthrow Laurent Bagbo and Muammar Gaddafi in Libya.

But nowadays, if a president is planning to cling on power then the westerns start raise a voice, he takes bags to Russia, china, to ask money, weapons instead of USA or Europeans then the life continues without caring of low people voices who are suffering.

Even if Obama leadership blamed to have responsible for the instability that occurs in Libya after the death of Gaddafi, we will always remember him as an American president who succeeded in killing Osama Bin Laden and weaken Al-Qaeda.

And we can’t forget ta say that courses of Democracy on Africa looks like a responsibility which super power countries gave themselves because the Democracy they say gives a responsibility to people to choose a future they want than anyone from outside who gives them lesson about their country future.

KARANGWA Janvier is a Journalist, student in University of Rwanda (Journalism and communication). Follow us on twitter: Karangwa Janvier.
Barack Obama, a failed teacher in Africa. Barack Obama, a failed teacher in Africa. Reviewed by Karangwa Janvier on October 18, 2016 Rating: 5
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