Rwanda's Vision 2050: The 1+1 formula toward the African Singapore

President Paul Kagame joins other residents   in Umuganda (community work) where bridges and roads are built based on Rwanda's social values :Photo Internet. 

August 3 and 4, 2017 Rwandans turned up to vote for the President. The election which happened in a peaceful and democratic environment, President Paul Kagame got a whopping victory of 99 % of the vote. In a previous year,  Rwandans amended the constitution to allow His Excency Paul Kagame to stay in office in order to build on achievements to keep a pace towards the Rwanda we want.

Much progress has been registered toward the current Vision 2020, hence paving way for Vision 2050.

The blueprint that shows a roadmap of vision 2050 emphasises universal access to improved living standards, sustained food security, protection of the Rwandan family, and universal access to quality affordable services in health, education, finance, housing, energy, infrastructure, among others.

It is elaborated in five main pillars; Quality of Life; Modern Infrastructure and livelihoods; Transformation for prosperity, Values for Vision 2050; and International cooperation and positioning.

Rwanda has made commendable strides in implementing the 2030 Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development; and is actively implementing the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); Paris Declaration on Climate Change (2030), East African Community (EAC) Vision 2050; and African Union Agenda 2063.

Vision 2050 is about ensuring high standards of living for all Rwandans. It will move Rwandans from the current livelihood to the society everyone wants and is proud to belong to.

It aims also that the country will work toward reaching upper middle income by 2035 and high income by 2050. This will require average annual growth of above 10 per cent (almost doubling the current economic growth rate).

The Impossible is not for Rwandans 

When the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) stopped the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi and liberated the country 24 years ago, Rwanda’s status was of a failed state. The infrastructures were ravaged, much of the personnel had been decimated, most had fled the country, the economy was frozen to below abyss level, while the social fabric and the soul of Rwanda had been hounded and wounded to apocalyptic proportions.

Despite the gloom that hovered about at the time, the RPF, through its philosophy of positive change, refused to be hostage of the moment, discarded elegiac lamentations and went straight into rebuilding the nation, putting the state back to its feet.  Emergency interventions were summoned, political activities that called for unity and reconciliation were ushered and economic programmes were drawn.

Rwanda has taken giant leaps of change. The current Seven Year Government Program is a living testimony of that metamorphosis that has seen hundreds gotten out of poverty, infrastructures restored and much more built to support the foundations of development.

 ‘Access’ has become a ubiquitous phrase and reality in Rwanda. Access to: justice, good services, education, health, electricity, water and so much more, have all become a reality, realized by all, not a small section of the population as was the case in yesteryears.

Under the stewardship of President Paul Kagame, Rwanda has come to personify many good things; good governance, efficiency in the utilisation of resources, corruption-free and restoration of a people’s hope and dignity.

So, as the 7-year government program, 2010-2017, comes to an end, there is reason to celebrate what we have achieved, there is cause for thanking the RPF leadership that have brought us thus far and there is enough foundation for us to consolidate what we have gained, be more participative in the innovative and implementation processes.


Rwanda's model of development is based on the consent where leaders and citizens (1+1 formula) work together to revamp the country's economy.
As we take this important step ahead in our future, let us increase our determination to become history makers to shape our development and elevate  Rwanda into a new era of prosperity that will be celebrated for generations through our joint efforts.

Rwanda eyes to become the African Singapore by 2050. To achieve this vision, high level of commitment and sacrifice in terms of attitude and behavior and to cultivate the culture of excellence, integrity and a sense of urgency in delivery should be our value.

To ensure a long-term consistency, adopting a national development mindset, developing a culture of savings and sacrifice for a better future, strong accountability while ensuring value for money and sustained national stability in terms of good governance, inclusive development and security will successfully deliver the country to Vision 2050.


About the author 

KARANGWA Janvier is a media specialist. He got a bachelor of arts in journalism and communication from University of Rwanda, 2017.

Twitter: @karangwajanvie5
Tel: 0782029326 (WatsApp)

Rwanda's Vision 2050: The 1+1 formula toward the African Singapore Rwanda's Vision 2050: The 1+1 formula toward the African Singapore Reviewed by Karangwa Janvier on March 11, 2018 Rating: 5
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